Bow Truss Coffee Roasters | Roscoe Village - Chicago, IL

Address2004 W Roscoe St, Chicago, IL 60618

Coffee roaster: Bow Truss

B's brew: 16oz iced latte w/ whole milk

C's brew: 16oz iced latte w/ 2% milk

Tunes played: Twelve Hour Turn, Snowing, Duck & Little Brother & Duck


We decided not to venture too far from home for our coffee this week.  It's sometimes easy to bypass the places that are only a few blocks away in search of something new and different.  Roscoe Village is like a small town tucked away in the big city, so it's quaintness appeals to us.  On top of that, I love the fact that we can go to a coffee shop next to Volo where we got married!  It's hard not to automatically feel good around such an important place.

Bow Truss Coffee Roasters fits into the neighborhood well.  Their Roscoe shop is not flashy or complicated.  We went at an off time - 4:30 on a blistering Sunday.  Only one table was occupied when we walked in, giving us plenty of seating options.  We ordered our iced lattes from the very kind barista, and sat at the wood four top in the front of the shop.  The sunlight coming from the large storefront window could not have been more inviting and the air conditioning and iced lattes cooled us off quickly.  Our lives seem to be a little more hectic these days with our puppy, so the calmness of Bow Truss was exactly what we needed to wind down before starting the work week.